“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Victor Frankl
I experience regular mindfulness training in such a way that it helps me to recognize the space between stimulus and reaction or, even better, to enlarge it. This gives me the opportunity to make more conscious and often better decisions.
But why bring mindfulness into organizations at all?
Enterprises like Google or SAP have shown how it’s done. Their mindfulness programs have been running very for many years – with proven success. My goal is to develop mindfulness programs tailored for and created with SMEs.
“Wouldn’t fit with us”, “is esoteric nonsense”, are interesting thoughts, which I’d like to offer to put the same back on. Mindfulness training has been scientifically well researched. Even if brain research is still in its infancy. The change in brain regions with regular practice or training in connection with positive feedback from participants has been proven. There are a number of scientifically supported studies on this. For me personally, mindfulness is the basis for sustainable growth.
What's about Mindfulness
Mindfulness initially means nothing more than being mindful of yourself, your mind and therefore also your body. By being mindful in dealing with yourself, other people and everyday life, you can consciously reduce stress and live healthier.
Mindfulness is now also used in psychotherapy, in burnout treatments or for patients with depressive illnesses. The well-known Frankfurt psychologist Dr. Thomas Heidenreich lack of mindfulness in connection “with processes such as brooding, experience avoidance and unfavourable metacognitive processes”.
Mindfulness teaching, also includes quarrelling with the past or fear of the future as stressful processes. Focusing on the moment helps block them out or at least reduce them.
At the heart of mindfulness is the positive impact of meditation on mental and physical health.
Staying in the moment and conscious perception lead to more attention, to clearer thoughts – being in the here and now, combined with a stronger and more harmonious body awareness.
The economic aspect of an organization or a company is undeniable, let’s be clear. However, with the current shortage of skilled workers and all other challenges of our time, the health of employees is an essential part of a company’s success. In addition, there are positive synergy effects when mindfulness is practiced. The program is often paid by reducing sick leave.
In general, the duration of the process depends on the needs of the company. The process is designed together and implemented according to the needs of the company.
Interestingly, this point is mentioned again and again. In my experience, however, only from people who have had little or no experience with mindfulness or meditation.
Successful programs prove that the topic of mindfulness has been arrived in the business context. Furthermore it is already and will be one of the most important skills in the future.
How much time should or can be invested is up to you. Researched and proven, from just 4 minutes!!! per day, verifiable changes has been determined.
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